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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Winter Chill... and Down Time to Reflect...

So last week Jack Frost blew a winter chill our way and most of our area was completely shut down... Here's the run-down for our family...

Monday: Snow arrives...Whee!  No coop, so I had an extra day off.  I didn't set foot outside, and actually enjoyed getting caught up on some house cleaning.  I love it when being confined forces me to stay home long enough to get stuff done.

Tuesday: No more snow, but reports of icy roads keeps me home.  I'm not a brave driver, so I'm waiting for the rain to come.  I don't believe there will be an ice storm, so I can manage to stay home one more day.  I spend my day putzing around the house, and bake Mike's favorite Pecan Sticky Rolls AND a yummy dinner.  Mike is happy.

Wednesday: Power goes out!  Argh!  More snow, freezing rain... Mike doesn't want me to go anywhere,  daughter can't drive, so she's freaking out.  Her awesome boyfriend comes and gets her and takes her to and from work FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS! What a catch he is!  I'm okay with the power out.  We have a generator, an oil stove, and our internet and phone are working.  We also have 1500 gallons of reserve water for our four horses.  We sit in front of the stove and watch movies all day... Mike is home and mostly watches the news.

Thursday: Power still out... Mike has to go out to get us some food and stuff.  It takes him about 4 hours.  We are still cuddled up in the family room with our four yorkies, and the stove.   All is good.

Friday: Power still out... It's annoying, but what amazes me is we are all still getting along just fine... I love that about my family.  Ian, the awesome BF, has taken to sleeping on my living room floor so that he can get up with Ci at 4 am to drive her to work...(He lives an hour away, so it's more reasonable this way).  The road trips they take last longer than usual...Ian stops along the way to cut down every tree in the road and help anyone who is stuck.  Our admiration for the boy young man is increasing.  We have now lost our phone and our internet.  I venture outside to take a few photos (pictured below).  My heart breaks as I walk around and  view my baby trees, newly planted this fall.  Especially my variegated willow, which is still in the pot.  It is bent to the GROUND... Ice encases every tiny branch and bud.  We're talking about 1/2" of ice.  On every single part of every plant I have.  I'm certain I will lose all that we planted in October.  And yet, I'm fascinated by the way everything looks and the way the snow is so crunchy I have to stomp my feet to walk around the yard.  Awesome photo ops!

Saturday: Power still out...It thaws enough for us to venture to my brother's house and shower.  Ian is still driving Ciara.  He also has to move today... Fun.  So they are driving extra back and forth trips to get his stuff done.  But the good news is we get to go to our normal church service!  The girls and I are tickled.  We enjoy the worship and get home about 9:30, only to hear that we have now run out of water.  Shoot. We can't go without water.  The four horses will colic and could die.  So Mike and I ponder how we will get water in the morning.  We will have to find some drum barrels and go where there is water to fill them up...

Sunday: 5:30 am...pitch black... I wake up and my first thought is the water.. I start praying.  "Lord, please let the power come on this morning...please please please...".  Mike and I get up and he goes out to turn on the generator... I gaze out the window and notice the neighbor's outdoor light is on!  GLORY HALLELUJAH!  I shout to Mike through the window, over the now-running generator, "The power is on!  We don't need the generator! "  After about three tries, because Mike is hard of hearing, he looks up and gets the message and turns the generator off.  He goes to trip the panel and turn the house back on, and says, kind of in a daze, "huh, the power is on.".

So here are the awesome things that happened this week.
1. I realize once again, that I have the absolute best family in the world.  We can spend days together and still enjoy each other's company.... I love it...
2.  Ciara has found an awesome, godly young man who, if they stay together, I will have full confidence will be able to take care of her, and she him... Thank you Jesus!
3. God is merciful and gracious.  Just when we were at the end of our rope and beginning to worry, God took care of all our needs... not only did the power come on in what I consider to be a timely fashion, but all those baby plants?  They have all sprung back!  Not one of them broke off, unlike many of the large trees and plants I have driven by.
4. I have learned to completely appreciate modern technology, including the power and internet and phone!

God bless you all... hope you fared as well as my family, if you live in this area!

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