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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Once in a blue moon....

Every so often in life, you meet someone who stirs your heart and makes an impact how you see the world.  I would say this has happened to me maybe three times in my life.  Once when I was a young girl, around junior high age.  There was a girl in my class, whom I really didn't know, but who struck me as such a kind hearted, soft-spoken, gentle person.  I never really got to know her... but I remember her first name was Mary.  In later years, after I came to know the Lord, I have often wondered if she was a Christ-follower.  Her heart attitude certainly portrayed Him.  

The second time that I can recall was more of a slow-awakening realization of the beauty of a person's heart.  Any of my current friends who read this will know I'm talking about Missy.  I've never seen anyone embrace life with such joy and hope as she did. She loved EVERYONE.  And as time went on, and she grew closer to the Lord, I was amazed at her transformation and how peaceful and joy-filled she was.  Heaven forbid one should say anything negative in front of Missy... she would always find the bright side of things.  I was one of the worst pessimists when I first got to know her.  She would giggle at me all the time...even wanted to get a shirt for me that said, "I can't"... LOL  Sadly, we all lost her suddenly several years ago, at the age of 42.  But the impact she made on me, and on everyone who's lives she touched, I know lives on today.  

Now, I don't know this third person that well.  Not yet anyway.  But I'm so excited and wait in anticipation to see what the Lord is going to do in her life.  She's only 18.  But she reminds me of Missy... the joy that she spreads around, the way she embraces life, her enthusiasm and love for all, and yet the strength that she exudes.... Wow!  I can only imagine where God will take her.  She gives me hope for the future of our country... if there are even a few like her out there, the world is a much better place.  Cassidy is the senior girl that I had the blessing of photographing this past week.  I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to get to know her this year, and I know God has great plans for her life... 

In saying all that.. I guess I just wanted to give Kudos for all the positive people out there and to share these lovely images of the beautiful Cassidy, in hopes that maybe, just maybe, we would all try to be a little more like these three ladies.  


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