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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

.... Learning to Laugh At Myself...

How I wish I could have taken a photo of my adventure with Solomon the day before yesterday, and again today... Maybe I should have one of my girls follow me around shooting my adventures?

On Monday, I went out to do my "chores"..mucking the round pen where Solomon is staying till Galaxy finds her new home.  As I pushed the wheelbarrow into the round pen, Solomon discovered that I'm not very coordinated and I left a gap between the barrow and the side of the round pen... just big enough for him to fit through.  Little did I know you are not supposed to let the horse stand at the gate as close as possible when you are trying to push a wheelbarrow in... He took it upon himself to leap over the feeding trough he had knocked over during the day... as I watched in dismay...

Aloud, I said, "Okay fine...go eat grass while I go get the halter.", shaking my head at myself.   So I'm fumbling trying to figure which side is up or down with the halter, and walking towards him and every time I get within touching reach, he does a little toss of his head and moves off...not really with an attitude, but definitely fast enough that I can't block him.  I try about 10 times... and finally realize I need help....

So I go hollering up to the house to get one of the girls... Annalise sticks her head out the window, yelling, "what did you do now, Mom?"... Ya think my kids are getting used to my silliness?  Christina comes out and catches him within 5 minutes.  

So...lessons learned that day:
1. The horse does not get to stand by the gate when I'm coming in or out... especially with the wheelbarrow.
2. Laugh at yourself, because you are funny.

Tuesday I did not have a horse adventure.  I did have a photography one.  But it's embarrassing, and I got hurt, and I don't want to talk about it.  NOT a laughing matter.  However, if someone, once again, had had a camera on me... it would be a comedy shot.   Nuff said.

Wednesday: Today.  I got into the round pen just fine to muck...very proud of myself for making Solomon stand away from the gate while I moved in.  He was a good boy.  So as I start mucking, Annalise decides it's time to put the other horses out.  Well, Kiowa, our old Appy gelding, thinks he has to do quite a bit of heehawing once she turns him loose in the field... it's way across the property, but within view , for sure.  Solomon thinks he'd like to join the fun and starts running pretty fast around the round pen.  I'm in the middle.  My anxiety level went up about 10 notches... Every couple of times around, he decides he might want to come in and check on me...but he comes in really really fast... Scare me!  So I flap my arms like a bird and tell him no you can't come into me like that...This goes on for an eternity about 3 or 4 minutes...and then he all of a sudden stops quietly and walks in to me like he's supposed and stares at me... I'm sure he's saying..."wasn't that fun?"... After that he just quietly follows me around while I muck.

Lesson learned today:
1. Be Calm...Don't Panic... You know what to do!


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